More Abandoned Garbage in the Desert

More Abandoned Garbage in the Desert


At work we visit some remote places. Other places seem remote until you get there and there’s garbage lying around. Not just the ubiquitous McDonald’s bags or Natural Light cans, but great, heaping piles of discarded furniture, childhood treasures and animals. It’s as if whole families drove a rented Ryder truck 15 miles out of town and emptied it into the desert, driving off into a new life with no attachments. Often the garbage is cool, sad, and creepy all at the same time. Maybe they left their gamecocks too, desperately searching for a more casual, peaceful lifestyle without gambling and bloodshed. Probably not…Enjoy the photos.


All shots taken with the indomitable Ricoh GR one of my favorite cameras. It goes everywhere with me, and for good reason… Thanks for looking.