Zines are at the top – scroll down for the books.
Bored with pointless and tedious social media, I started publishing Strayfoto zine back in 2019. It’s an analog pleasure in an increasingly digital world. It’s a chance to combine writing and photography into one space. Occasionally I throw a drawing or two in as well, and if you’re lucky, a hastily crafted poem. It’s something that I’m able to create and control from start to finish. I make the logo, I shoot and edit the photos, and I do the layout the way I want. As long as I’m willing to put in the work to create content, it gets made. It’s very satisfying to have complete creative control. Of course the reach pales in comparison to digital platforms, but on my list of priorities, reach is pretty far down there.
They’re published sporadically and I generally offer them (although they rarely sell) on Etsy. Each zine is 20 pages, 5.5″x8.5, and laser printed on 24lb bond paper. Black and white only.
They’re $5.00 shipped.
Strayfoto #12 contains a story about a guy named Bill, memories of building toys as a kid, and lots of photos of abandoned buildings. Purchase it on Etsy.

Strayfoto #11 contains a rant about concrete and the subjugation of nature, a good story about a wrench, and several great photos. Purchase it on Etsy.

Strayfoto #10 contains a photo of a half-eaten donut, a short piece on limitations, a story about finding a nickel, and a few drawings. Purchase it on Etsy.

Strayfoto #9 contains a photos, a drawing of dude named Darrold, and a rant against fast food chains. Delightful indeed… Purchase it on Etsy.

Strayfoto #8 contains photos (of course) and musings on wildlife, rivers, and Don Quixote. Purchase it on Etsy.

Strayfoto #7 contains images from a trip to Key West, a short poem about wooden pigs and sunburnt tourists, and some photos from closer to home. Purchase it on Etsy.

Strayfoto #6 Desert rocks. Lots of them. Some drawings too. Purchase it on Etsy.

Strayfoto #5 The Hot Dog issue. No reason. I don’t even like hot dogs all that much. They’re alright, but why would one eat a hot dog if there were other options. Contains a short history of the Oscar Meyer Weinermobile. Purchase it on Etsy.

Strayfoto #4 Some photos. Some writing. Contains a story about a thrash metal concert in a storage unit and a character named Sean. Purchase it on Etsy.

Strayfoto #3 The “Quaranzine” issue. From the depths of a past pandemic. Some drawings and a poem, and lots of photos of empty spaces. Purchase it on Etsy.

Strayfoto #2. The Bike Issue. Lots of photos of bikes. Sometimes things just come together, and for some reason photos of bikes jumped out at me this time around. Purchase it on Etsy.

Strayfoto #1 The first one. This one is slighter shorter at 16 pages. Mostly photos. Purchase it on Etsy.

A photo of every exit along the I-70 corridor in Utah. Minimalist and sparse, just like this lonely stretch of highway though the high desert. Available on Amazon.

A photo and short essay of a two-year long quest to visit every Deseret Industries thrift store. Photos from each store. I can’t capture the smell of a thrift store in a photo, but if you’ve been thrifting, perhaps you’ll imagine it. Available on Amazon.

Gobs of what I’ve become known for – somewhat abstract photos of everyday objects in odd settings, with a focus on juxtaposition and composition in a relatively futile attempt to create something that simultaneously says something while saying nothing. Minimalism meets ambiguity meets discarded humanity. 132 pages. Available on Amazon.

A photo book that wraps up a years-long process and thousands of photos shot while driving across the Western US for work. Blurry, out of focus, and abstract. If you love driving as much as I do, maybe you’ll feel a familiar vibe from these photos. Available on Amazon.