Category Archives: Cameras

Why I Hate the Fuji X100

Why I Hate the Fuji X100

Fuji X100 Comparison

I lusted over the Fuji X100 from the day it was announced in 2010. The Fuji with it’s reto looks and compact form seduced me from the beginning. The only problem was at the time I already had a Canon 5DMkII and a Canon EOS 50D as a backup body. I also had (have) several lenses, flashes, etc. I wanted the Fuji, with it’s APS-C sensor and fixed lens, but had no real reason to buy it. 18 months later, I still had no reason no buy it. Then I saw one in person. I bought it. I had to sell a Ricoh GRD IV and a little-used Nodal Ninja setup to afford it, but I did it.

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