Winter Afternoon Thrifting in Moab

Went thrift shopping with a friend a couple weeks ago. Got some unique photos.

Shot on my Nexus 5, edited with the stock Android photo editor, and posted with the WordPress app.

It’s much more difficult to imagine how this is going to look on a computer when editing the post and adding the photos with the phone…

Three Sisters Thrift has completely changed from the old Memory Lane days. It’s super clean and much more organized. It’s still a little dark in there, but much of the former funk has been cleared/cleaned out. I ran into this character while I was there…



Can’t figure out why that last photo is smaller than the others – it is cropped more severely, but not substantially so. Guess that comes with shooting with a phone? Also the workflow is such that due to lack of familiarity I feel somewhat hindered…


Golf Balls. I swear – if you ever buy golf balls or golf clubs new you’re a total chump. After going to so many thrift stores I can safely say those are two things that are at every store in abundance… And although I know very little about golf I’m pretty darn sure brand new clubs won’t make a Tiger Woods out of anyone (although there’s plenty of marketing companies that don’t want you to know that)…

So there. An entire post captured, edited, written and uploaded all with a Nexus 5 running KitKat. It wasn’t easy like with a computer, Photoshop and a Ricoh GR  or Canon 5DMkII – but I did it all in a slouch on the couch…