Moab Photowalk Fall 2013
I heard about the the Moab Photowalk the night before it happened, and I signed up for it the morning of the event. “Event” probably makes it sound larger than it actually was. I met Nancy and Deirdre, and the three of us wandered around for a little while in the downtown area. It was an enjoyable way to spend the morning. Here’s some of the photos I shot that day, and I’ve added my new friends Deirdre and Nancy to the Cameras of Canyonlands page, even though we weren’t able to enter any nearby federal land…
While it’s always fun to meet new people, I was actually quite pleased to meet two people with whom I had so much in common – in my circle of friends I don’t recall the last time someone asked my about my digital workflow preference. Nancy and Deirdre both asked what I liked shooting – and I was stumped good on that one. I don’t have a favorite single thing really, so it got me thinking…
Of the images I made on the photowalk, this one through the fence at the pool is my favorite. In light of that and a little thinking I’ve done over the last few days, I think what I like to shoot is abstract… but not too abstract. I’m kind of drawn to shapes. I’m also drawn to garbage. Can you call this abstract? I should think about this a little more…
Thanks to Deirdre and Nancy for the pleasant morning – feel free to contact me anytime. And if you’re in Moab and didn’t attend this photowalk – think about it next time…
Thanks for looking.