I’ve been guiding a few Arches sunset tours for the Moab Adventure Center lately. It’s a great chance to get away from the computer and it forces me into Arches for a few hours.
I don’t have a lot of time for serious photography while on the tours but I’ve gotten some chances to play a little more with my Ricoh GR and the double exposure feature, and I occasionally see folks with cool cameras that are willing to be included in my Cameras of Canyonlands project.
On a separate note, we’re leaving on phase 2 of the DISPATCH (Deseret Industries Super Photo Adventure Tour) tomorrow.
We’re going to hit the Deseret Industries in Idaho, Seattle, Portland, Sacramento, and southern California. It should be 3800 miles of thrift store mayhem… my next post will be from the road and hopefully I’ll have some new DI photos to share.
Thanks for looking.