Harmonica Case

Harmonica Cases

When I was in 5th grade they forced us to put on a Christmas show for the school. They offered us a choice; we could be in the choir and sing the Christmas songs, or we could be in the band and play instruments during the show. Of course being an elementary school, the band was just 15 5th graders with Harmonicas. I chose the band.

We ordered Honer Marine Band harmonicas in the key of C through some take-home newsprint catalog thing. We worked hard and learned Silent Night and Jingle Bells. When the time came, the 15 of us stood on the low stage in the semi-darkened cafeteria and played the songs we were supposed to. Then it was over.

Except I kind of liked playing the harmonica. I kept on doing it. Not with any serious passion, or any real zeal, but I liked having a harmonica around most of the time. When the harmonicas came, they came with a mailer and a small catalog from Honer. There was a leather case for the harmonicas that even as a 5th grader I knew was cooler than the crappy plastic thing that came with the harmonica. It had a belt-loop so you carry your harp like a knife on your belt, ready to whip it out and play Silent Night at a moment’s notice. I begged my parents for it long enough that they finally ordered it for me.


That’s it. 33 years old. After that I remember a period in 5th grade when I didn’t go anywhere without the harmonica on my belt. It was a treasured accessory. I loved the harmonica and I loved that leather Honer case to carry it in.

The other day by brother Jordan (@jordomax) and I were talking about things to make out of leather. He’s pretty handy with snaps and buckles and fold-only designs. I mentioned I’d like a new leather case for my harmonica, one similar to the old Honer one I have, but a little more modern and cool.

He came up with this:

Handmade Leather Harmonica Cases

It’s reminiscent of folding your harp up in a bandana to keep it safe. It’s a modern take on the idea though. It’s got only the simple clasp and no stitching. It’s meant to be simple. It’s made from vegetable tanned leather and should darken and age with use. He made a few extra and they’re available in Leah’s Etsy store for $21.50 shipped to the U.S. If you’re the type who likes to travel with a harmonica, it just might be the simple case you’re looking for.

Handmade Leather Harmonica Cases

Handmade Leather Harmonica Cases

And yes, I can still play Silent Night. Check them out in Leah’s Esty Store.



Don’t forget to check out some of the fine art prints for sale in my Etsy shop. I’ve also written and illustrated a children’s book for the Kindle called Coyote Life. If you’ve got kids, check it out. If you enjoy it, please leave a review. Thanks.
